Salem Reporter staff


QUICK READ: Low rates of Covid in Salem’s unsheltered, whiplash from school reopening rules

Tent sites at Wallace Marine Park on Wednesday, May 27. (Amanda Loman/Salem Reporter) [ NOTE: Salem Reporter is providing this information free as a community service. You can support dissemination by subscribing. ] Local health providers see low rates of Covid in Salem’s unsheltered population One Salem population appears to be[Read More…]


TOP STORIES: News of Salem you might have missed

Monica Ramirez, center, grabs stocks up on kitchenware for Mano a Mano during a Good360 giveaway on Jan. 22, 2020 (Rachel Alexander/Salem Reporter) Here’s our Sunday Sampler to show you some of the stories that flowed from the staff of Salem Reporter in recent days. Marion County says yes to[Read More…]