School district leaders want legislators to stop creating unfunded mandates and grant programs that require more overhead, taking money away from classrooms.
Salem-Keizer superintendent says Oregon needs to rethink high school diploma requirements
At a forum for local business leaders, Salem-Keizer Superintendent Andrea Castañeda said schools need space and flexibility to focus on teaching skills relevant for modern life — not more requirements from the state.
Feds award Oregon $11.5 million, perhaps millions more to come, to improve literacy instruction
Millions of dollars will be funneled to Oregon school districts through a competitive grant process that’s intended to boost the share of students who can read proficiently.
Number of diverse teachers in Oregon on the rise, but retention remains a challenge
The number of racially and ethnically diverse teachers in the state has grown by about 4% during the last decade and doubled among first-year teachers.
The 2024 school year begins for thousands of Salem kids
Optimism and smiles greeted students as elementary schoolers returned to class Wednesday.
PHOTOS: Students head back to class at Lee, Wright
Elementary schools across the Salem-Keizer School District were back in session Wednesday, while older middle and high school students joined sixth and ninth graders who started class Tuesday.
PHOTOS: West Salem High School celebrates incoming Titans
High schools across Salem on Tuesday brought out balloons, cheerleaders, student musicians and more to welcome freshmen to their new schools.
New Bulldogs start the year off at Stephens Middle School
Sixth and ninth grade students began school Tuesday, a day before classes resumed across the Salem-Keizer School District.
Salem community shows love to local schools by feeding teachers before classes start
United Way, with help from local businesses and churches, wrapped up an effort Tuesday to donate a catered meal for educators at every school in the Salem-Keizer district before classes begin.
Dental assisting program for Salem-area high schoolers opens at Willamette Career Academy
With dental assistants and hygienists in high demand, Willamette Career Academy’s new dental assisting program is doing its part to train and educate students for the much-needed roles.