A century of cherry blossom festivities continues in Salem. This column is part of a regular feature from Salem Reporter to highlight local history in collaboration with area historians and historical organizations. Kimberli Fitzgerald, Salem’s historic preservation officer, writes about local history and city historic preservation efforts.
By Kimberli Fitzgerald - Special to Salem Reporter
COLUMN: Hey, Salem, valentines haven’t always been warm and loving messengers
Valentine cards are an art – and they weren’t always meant to please the recipient. You once could “Vinegar Valentines” in Salem.
COLUMN: Early-day homeless shelter an invention of Salem’s police chief
Kimberli Fitzgerald, Salem’s historic preservation officer, explores how a pioneering family of law enforcement leaders set up an early homeless shelter in Salem.
COLUMN: Salem’s Human Rights Commission grew out of civil rights movement
City historic preservation officer Kimberli Fitzgerald explains how Salem set up a group to hear civil rights concerns in the early 1960s.
COLUMN: 100 years ago in Salem, a fundraising drive for the state’s oldest university
Salem historic preservation officer Kimberli Fitzgerald recounts how Willamette University was founded, and how a century-old fundraising push secured the university’s future.
LOCAL HISTORY: The removal of the Kalapuya people
For Indigenous History Month, Salem’s historic preservation officer Kimberli Fitzgerald dives into an early historic account of Indigenous inhabitants in what is now Salem.
LOCAL HISTORY: A Salem teacher’s humanitarian mission to Siberia
Salem historic preservation officer Kimberli Fitzgerald recounts how Salemite Nell Sykes joined a national Red Cross humanitarian expedition intended to sway the outcome of the Russian Revolution following the First World War.
LOCAL HISTORY: Civil rights have a long legacy in Salem
Salem officially renamed the Salem Parkway to Martin Luther King Jr. Parkway, with new street signs installed over the weekend. City historic preservation officer To mark the occasion, Kimberli Fitzgerald shares a brief history of the city’s civil rights movement.
COLUMN: How Salem decided on its first flag in 1972
As the city of Salem prepares to dedicate its new cherry blossom-inspired flag at the 50th Civic Center anniversary next week, city historic preservation officer Kimberli Fitzgerald explains how the city’s original 1972 flag came to be.
SALEM HISTORY: The city’s Civic Center turns 50
May is Historic Preservation Month, and it’s a great time to notice Salem’s wonderful historic landmarks. Some buildings we previously thought of as modern are now eligible for historic designation. Just last year the Salem Historic Landmarks Commission realized that our very own Salem Civic Center would be turning 50[Read More…]