New high school boundaries proposed under a draft boundary adjustment plan. (Courtesy/Salem-Keizer School District) Thousands of local students could be affected by attendance boundary changes proposed for more than half of Salem-Keizer schools. The plan, which will take effect next year, would also shift the district’s “feeder system,” which determines[Read More…]
Gun sat unreported at Salem elementary school for hours
Chalk words of encouragement greeted students at Four Corners elementary the morning of Oct. 4, the day after a 10-year-old student brought a gun to school. (Courtesy/Salem-Keizer Public Schools) An unloaded handgun sat undetected Wednesday by school officials in a student backpack for hours at Four Corners Elementary School. A[Read More…]
Salem elementary student brings unloaded handgun to school
The handgun seized from a Salem elementary school student on Oct. 3, 2018. (Courtesy/Marion County Sheriff’s Office) A 10-year-old student at Four Corners Elementary School brought an unloaded handgun to school Wednesday afternoon. Two other students saw the gun in the student’s backpack and reported it to an adult at[Read More…]
In a move affecting thousands, Salem-Keizer schools crafting new boundaries
Mike Wolfe, chief operations officer for Salem-Keizer Public Schools, explains how boundary review will address overcrowding at McKay High School during a meeting on Sept. 20, 2018. (Rachel Alexander/Salem Reporter) It’s no secret that Salem-Keizer schools are educating far more students than they were originally built to hold. Addressing crowding[Read More…]
Salem schools lag behind state on student test scores, with gains in high school
A student works on an assignment at Highland Elementary on Sept. 7, 2018. (Moriah Ratner/Special to the Salem Reporter) Salem-Keizer students lag behind their peers across Oregon on state tests, results released Thursday morning show. About half of Salem students meet Oregon standards in English and science, compared to 55[Read More…]
Swegle kindergarten students kick off year with dual language classes
Rashelle Méndez, left, and Albeiro Reyes, right, listen during a lesson on the first day of kindergarten at Swegle Elementary. (Salem Reporter/Rachel Alexander) Karina Rodríguez sounded out her name, writing each letter on the board as her students shouted out their best guesses. Then, she turned to her instructional aide,[Read More…]
Salem Keizer school board won’t take position on immigration ballot measure
Students enter Highland Elementary on Friday, Sept. 7. (Special to Salem Reporter/Moriah Ratner) The Salem-Keizer School Board Tuesday night renewed a resolution supporting “safe and welcoming schools” but declined to take a public position on a more controversial Oregon ballot measure that would repeal the state’s so-called sanctuary law. Tuesday’s[Read More…]
Salem students start school year amid push to improve attendance
Classmates talk over breakfast at Highland Elementary School on Friday, Sept. 7. (Special to Salem Reporter/Moriah Ratner) As Salem students head back to school, the district is launching a campaign to improve student attendance. Early efforts are focusing on North Salem High School, where half the student body is chronically[Read More…]
Career center adds law enforcement, business options for Salem-Keizer students
Students applaud at the opening of two new programs at the Career and Technical Education Center in northeast Salem on Friday, Sept. 7. (Special to Salem Reporter/Moriah Ratner) McKay High School senior Cory Kudna grew up hunting deer and elk with his dad. When he began thinking about a career[Read More…]
Salem-Keizer school officials say too many kids missing too much school
Sara LeRoy, North Salem High School principal, is focused on driving down student absenteeism. (Special to Salem Reporter/Moriah Ratner) When Sara LeRoy became principal at North Salem High School, she knew she was in for a lot of work. The school has the highest percentage of chronically absent students of[Read More…]