Thousands of Salem-Keizer students would attend different schools under boundary change proposal

New high school boundaries proposed under a draft boundary adjustment plan. (Courtesy/Salem-Keizer School District) Thousands of local students could be affected by attendance boundary changes proposed for more than half of Salem-Keizer schools. The plan, which will take effect next year, would also shift the district’s “feeder system,” which determines[Read More…]

Gun sat unreported at Salem elementary school for hours

Chalk words of encouragement greeted students at Four Corners elementary the morning of Oct. 4, the day after a 10-year-old student brought a gun to school. (Courtesy/Salem-Keizer Public Schools) An unloaded handgun sat undetected Wednesday by school officials in a student backpack for hours at Four Corners Elementary School. A[Read More…]

In a move affecting thousands, Salem-Keizer schools crafting new boundaries

Mike Wolfe, chief operations officer for Salem-Keizer Public Schools, explains how boundary review will address overcrowding at McKay High School during a meeting on Sept. 20, 2018. (Rachel Alexander/Salem Reporter) It’s no secret that Salem-Keizer schools are educating far more students than they were originally built to hold. Addressing crowding[Read More…]

Salem Keizer school board won’t take position on immigration ballot measure

Students enter Highland Elementary on Friday, Sept. 7. (Special to Salem Reporter/Moriah Ratner) The Salem-Keizer School Board Tuesday night renewed a resolution supporting “safe and welcoming schools” but declined to take a public position on a more controversial Oregon ballot measure that would repeal the state’s so-called sanctuary law. Tuesday’s[Read More…]