Limbs rest on a pickup truck in the Englewood neighborhood of Salem on Saturday, Feb. 13.(Regina Fischer photo)
The ice storm that slammed into the Salem area Friday night caused lots of damage – but also provided opportunities for amateur photographers to document the event. Salem Reporter readers shared some of their work – and you can too. Email your photos with your name and neighborhood to [email protected] and we’ll continue adding to this gallery.
Among those submitting photos: Liz Cutler, Sam Skillern, Carrie Darras, Shannon Rozewski, Julie Brown, Susan Fletcher, Nancy DeSouza, Lorrie Walker, Kevin Conover, Susan Victor-Reed, Brian Hines, Lois Rosen, Mae Te, Greg Nelson, Mark Cowan, Regina Fischer, Emil Marjan, Joni Brewer and Elena Piexoto.
The ice storm left damage behind in the Cambridge neighborhood of Salem on Saturday, Feb. 13. (Liz Cutler photo)
The ice storm left damage behind in the Cambridge neighborhood of Salem on Saturday, Feb. 13. (Liz Cutler photo)
The ice storm left damage behind in the Cambridge neighborhood of Salem on Saturday, Feb. 13. (Liz Cutler photo)
City crews work to clear storm debris in the Grant neighborhood of Salem on Saturday, Feb. 13. (Sam Skillern photo)
Ice-damaged trees in the Grant neighborhood of Salem on Saturday, Feb. 13. (Sam Skillern photo)
The scene in the MacLeay Road area of south Salem on Saturday, Feb. 13. (Emil Marjan photo)
The scene in the MacLeay Road area of south Salem on Saturday, Feb. 13. (Emil Marjan photo)
The scene in the MacLeay Road area of south Salem on Saturday, Feb. 13. (Emil Marjan photo)
Trees and limbs litter the ground around a Keizer apartment complex on Saturday, Feb. 13. (Emil Marjan photo)
October Glory red maples are shattered by the ice on Saturday, Feb. 13, in the Lake Labish area. (Carrie Darras photo)
Trees are shattered by the ice on Saturday, Feb. 13, in the Lake Labish area. (Carrie Darras photo)
Ice-encased trees in the Grant neighborhood of Salem on Saturday, Feb. 13. (Sam Skillern photo)
Wintery scenes from Capital Manor in west Salem on Saturday, Feb. 13. (Greg Nelson photo)
Wintery scenes from Capital Manor in west Salem on Saturday, Feb. 13. (Greg Nelson photo)
Wintery scenes from Capital Manor in west Salem. (Greg Nelson photo)
A tree said to be more than 200 years old suffered damage at Capital Manor in west Salem on Saturday, Feb. 13. (Greg Nelson photo)
Wintery scenes from Capital Manor in west Salem. (Greg Nelson photo)
Shannon Rozewski captured iced elements of her yard in the Sunnyslope neighborhood of Salem on Saturday, Feb. 13.(Shannon Rozewski photo)
Shannon Rozewski captured iced elements of her yard in the Sunnyslope neighborhood of Salem on Saturday, Feb. 13.(Shannon Rozewski photo)
Shannon Rozewski captured iced elements of her yard in the Sunnyslope neighborhood of Salem on Saturday, Feb. 13.(Shannon Rozewski photo)
Shannon Rozewski captured iced elements of her yard in the Sunnyslope neighborhood of Salem on Saturday, Feb. 13.(Shannon Rozewski photo)
Shannon Rozewski captured iced elements of her yard in the Sunnyslope neighborhood of Salem on Saturday, Feb. 13.(Shannon Rozewski photo)
Ice adds to yard features in Julie Brown’s home near Chapman Hill Elementary School in west Salem. (Julie Brown photo)
Ice adds to yard features in Julie Brown’s home near Chapman Hill Elementary School in west Salem. (Julie Brown photo)
Ice adds to yard features in Julie Brown’s home near Chapman Hill Elementary School in west Salem. (Julie Brown photo)
Ice adds to yard features in Julie Brown’s home near Chapman Hill Elementary School in west Salem. (Julie Brown photo)
Susan Fletcher’s backyard at her home in the Faye Wright neighborhood is littered with tree limbs on Saturday, Feb. 13 (Susan Fletcher photo)
Susan Fletcher’s backyard at her home in the Faye Wright neighborhood is littered with tree limbs on Saturday, Feb. 13 (Susan Fletcher photo)
Nancy DeSouza found these ice-encrusted plants in west Salem on Saturday, Feb. 13 (Nancy DeSouza photo)
Nancy DeSouza found these ice-encrusted plants in west Salem on Saturday, Feb. 13 (Nancy DeSouza photo)
Nancy DeSouza found these ice-encrusted plants in west Salem on Saturday, Feb. 13 (Nancy DeSouza photo)
Nancy DeSouza found these ice-encrusted plants in west Salem on Saturday, Feb. 13 (Nancy DeSouza photo)
Damage from the ice storm hit hard at the trees around Bush’s Pasture Park. (Lorrie Walker photo)
Damage from the ice storm hit hard at the trees around Bush’s Pasture Park. (Lorrie Walker photo)
Damage from the ice storm hit hard at the trees around Bush’s Pasture Park. (Lorrie Walker photo)
Damage from the ice storm hit hard at the trees around Bush’s Pasture Park. (Lorrie Walker photo)
Ice encases a plant near Keizer on Saturday, Feb. 13. (Kevin Conover photo)
Ice took down trees all over Salem on Saturday, Feb. 13, including at this home in south Salem. (Susan Victor-Reed photo)
Ice took down trees all over Salem on Saturday, Feb. 13, including at this home in south Salem. (Susan Victor-Reed photo)
Oak limbs litter the back yard of a rural south Salem home on Saturday, Feb. 13. (Brian Hines photo)
Ice coats a car in rural south Salem on Saturday, Feb. 13. (Brian Hines photo)
Ice encases vegetation at a Southeast Rees Hill Road home in south Salem on Saturday, Feb. 13. (Lois Rosen photo)
Ice encases vegetation at a Southeast Rees Hill Road home in south Salem on Saturday, Feb. 13. (Lois Rosen photo)
Falling limbs damaged a vehicle in west Salem off Northwest Eola Drive on Saturday, Feb. 13. (Elena Piexoto photo)
Elena Piexoto photographed the damaged trees at her home in west Salem off Northwest Eola Drive on Saturday, Feb. 13. (Elena Piexoto photo)
Elena Piexoto photographed the damaged trees at her home in west Salem off Northwest Eola Drive on Saturday, Feb. 13. (Elena Piexoto photo)
Ice coats backyard features in Keizer on Saturday, Feb. 13. (Mae Te photo)
Ice coats backyard features in Keizer on Saturday, Feb. 13. (Mae Te photo)
Ice coats ivy outside a home on the Candalaria neighborhood of Salem on Saturday, Feb. 13. (Mark Cowan photo)
A scene in south Salem on Saturday, Feb. 13, as the ice storm eased. (Joni Brewer photo)
A scene in south Salem on Saturday, Feb. 13, as the ice storm eased. (Joni Brewer photo)
PHOTOS: Salem works to recover from ice storm as temperatures warm
Thousands waking up in Salem without power – but plenty of ice
CONTACT Salem Reporter with tips, story ideas or to share your photos by email at [email protected].
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