
How can you get involved?

Salem Reporter will provide readers a mix of investigative reports, clear and compelling coverage of local government, and insights into the people who hold power in the Salem community.


We have made it as easy as possible to sign up for a digital subscription, priced at $10 a month or $100 for a year. A digital subscription provides readers around-the-clock access to Salem Reporter’s news service, electronic newsletter, and news alerts. To subscribe: salemreporter.com/subscribe.


Salem Reporter provides an innovative way for businesses to market on the website. Through an innovative partnership with Mazama Digital, the Salem Reporter provides businesses a way to develop their own ad online in a few easy steps, select their own advertising budget, and launch advertising at their convenience. Advertising is designed to be professional and effective, enhancing the reader experience and engagement.


Salem Reporter offers the opportunity for businesses and organizations to ally with this service to Salem by becoming a founding sponsor.


Salem Reporter will partner with local colleges and universities to provide valuable internships to college students. Readers can support this work to train the next generation of journalists through donations specifically for this program.