Three people running for Salem mayor will appear in a live debate on Tuesday, April 30, at the Elsinore Theatre. Free tickets for the event are available on the Elisnore’s website.
By Les Zaitz - Salem Reporter
Salem veteran gets seat at State of the Union, says president ‘owned the floor’
IN WASHINGTON: A Salem volunteer who works on veterans issue was the guest of U.S. Rep. Andrea Salinas at the recent State of the Union address in Washington, D.C. Rosy Macias managed time with the secretary of U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
Willamette University recovering from cyberattack that followed its Tech Day
A cyberattack continues to disrupt campus life at Wlllamette University. Authorities are releasing little information about the attack that occurred on Tusday, Feb. 20 – the same day the university was holding a tech conference.
Retooling Salem building for social services awaits legislative action
A “hub” of social services in downtown Salem is intended to help people more efficiently, providing one place to connect with several organizations. The concept hinges on funding from legislators now in session.
What Salem could get out of 2024 session
State lawmakers are considering bills that would get Salem an annual payment from the state and help fund a YMCA service center in the old Statesman Journal building downtown.
Courthouse operations disrupted by camping transient claiming to have a gun
The opening of the Marion County Courthouse in downtown Salem was disrupted after police confronted a man tent camping on the courthouse porch. Police arrested the man and operations resumed shortly after 8 a.m.
ICE STORM UPDATES: What you need to know about Salem conditions
ICE STORM: Salem braces for another winter onsloght as freezing rain is forecast to hit by early Tuesday afternoon. Temperatures will climb above freezing overnight, the National Weather Service said.
City sanding roads, Cherriots suspends service as storm hits on Saturday
WEATHER REPORT: The National Weather Service issued a revised winter storm warning early Saturday, Jan. 13, that calls for snow and ice in Salem through the day. The city got light snow overnight.
EDITOR’S NOTE: Join us for community forum on Salem’s gun violence
EDITOR’S NOTE: Learn about Salem’s gun violence, solutions and what citizens can do to make a difference. The Salem Reporter Town Hall on Gun Violence is scheduled for Wednesday, Jan. 17.
Salem under flood watch through Tuesday as streams expected to rise rapidly
With days of rain ahead, the National Weather Service has issued a flood watch for Salem. Three sandbag stations are now open across the city.