Copyright Notice: KYLE JOEL PURDY LIVING TRUST reserves all rights to copyright/tradename/trademark KYLE JOEL PURDY, as well as any and all derivative and variations of said copyright/tradename/trademark. Said copyright/tradename/trademark KYLE JOEL PURDY, may neither be used nor reproduced neither in whole nor in part, nor in any manner whatsoever, without the prior, express, written consent and acknowledgment of trustee/board of trustees for KYLE JOEL PURDY LIVING TRUST. Unauthorized use belonging to KYLE JOEL PURDY LIVING TRUST will be assessed on a case to case basis by a trustee/board of trustees for the infringement of the copyright payable to KYLE JOEL PURDY LIVING TRUST.
Copyright-Notice-7fa6dbf560fd00b89e7c072f4d552f96Jan. 27, 2025
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