
Complaint over public funding for transgender training stalls after Marion County leaders skip meeting

A complaint stemming from two Marion County commissioners’ move to defund training for therapists who work with transgender people is no closer to a resolution one month later. Commissioner Colm Willis, the target of the complaint, wrote in emails this week to fellow board members of the Behavioral Care Network[Read More…]


Marion County commissioners moved to block money for transgender training for professionals, triggering complaint

Marion County Commissioner Colm Willis, worried therapists may be advocating for gender reassignment surgery in children, recently moved to defund training for clinicians who work with transgender people, according to a recently filed complaint. Willis’ concern was backed by Marion County Commissioner Sam Brentano. “We shouldn’t be recruiting, which it[Read More…]


Marion County cultural audit underway

Marion County officials say an audit of its workplace culture, stemming in part from sexual harassment allegations that surfaced last fall, is officially underway. Marion County commissioners in early March gave the contract to Clarity Scientific, a Beaverton-based corporation. Costs aren’t to exceed $30,000. The firm will survey, interview and[Read More…]


State to investigate claims of sexual discrimination at Marion County

The doors outside the Senator Hearing Room, where public works employee Jamie Namitz in October publicly announced she was sexually discriminated against at work. Namitz recently complained to the state Bureau of Labor and Industries to investigate the county public works department. (Troy Brynelson/Salem Reporter) A Marion County worker is[Read More…]