Rep. Pam Marsh, D-Ashland, wants Oregon to shelter unhoused people on waitlists for residential addiction treatment programs.
Salem community center aims to be a “functional family” for people in recovery
After around six months at its new location, Salem’s Recovery Outreach Community Center has more than doubled the number of people walking through its doors. ROCC mixes fun and community activities with peer support, helping people get and stay sober and find housing.
Kotek promises to dog spending for drug addiction programs
The Oregon Legislature allocated $211 million for new treatment programs and other services, but it needs to be put into action quickly.
Senate committee axes proposal for mandatory addiction treatment for children
Oregon lawmakers turned down a proposal that would have made addiction treatment mandatory when children don’t consent.
In rural Oregon, close community ties could make proposed addiction programs successful
A joint committee of Oregon legislators is considering adopting a “deflection” program, which would allow a person to avoid a drug possession charge if they took an assessment and attended one more appointment to address their addiction.
Lawmakers take first deep plunge into proposals to address the drug crisis
Most ideas to reform Oregon’s Measure 110 would need funding, but an amount hasn’t been set yet.
Amid the pain of addiction, few pin their hopes on the government
Oregon politicians want to empower police to make arrests for drug possession again to encourage treatment, but people on the streets say recovery is a choice.
Latest data show fatal overdoses continue to skyrocket in Oregon
The state is still compiling data for 2023, but 628 Oregonians died from overdoses during the first six months of the year.
House Republicans introduce bill to end Measure 110
Republicans want to repeal a voter-approved drug decriminalization measure, while Democratic lawmakers are working on a separate proposal to address Oregon’s drug addiction crisis.
Oregon lawmakers mull solutions to drug crisis, prep for 2024 session
Opinions are sharply divided on how to best address Oregon’s addiction crisis, and a committee tasked with coming up with fixes has yet to finalize its plans.