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The pandemic closed high schools, but these Salem students still get to do their final project: build a house.

Curtis Fisher, a CTEC construction instructor, works with senior Caleb Susee while building a wall as part of the CTEC residential construction program on Wednesday, Feb. 10. (Amanda Loman/Salem Reporter) When Salem high schools closed abruptly last March, Reed Hamilton, 18, worried about finishing his classes online. But the McNary[Read More…]

Salem has snow plows on standby

The latest forecast for Salem from the National Weather Service on Thursday, Feb. 11. Salem is gearing up its “snow and ice response staff” from the Public Works Department to prepare for freezing rain forecasted for Salem Thursday night and through the weekend. “City snow plows and sanding equipment have[Read More…]

The former location of the oldest European house in the Pacific Northwest will again be housing

Construction is underway at 990 Broadway N.E., which will produce 23 residential units. Developers worked with historic preservationists to make sure artifacts from Salem’s pioneer era were preserved. (Jake Thomas/Salem Reporter) Typically when a developer begins work on a new building, work crews start digging one big hole.  But a[Read More…]

Elementary school will be in-person five hours per day, two days per week under Salem-Keizer reopening plan

Highland Elementary School students enter the school library for brief in-person classes on Oct. 20, 2020 (Rachel Alexander/Salem Reporter) Elementary students in Salem are expected to have in-person classes five hours per day, two days per week when local schools begin reopening March 2. Salem-Keizer School District administrators gave more[Read More…]