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Wildfires, vaccines, cybersecurity and more is on state’s auditing agenda

Secretary of State’s office. (Caleb Wolf/Special to Salem Reporter)  Unemployment insurance, response to wildfires, vaccine distribution, domestic terrorism and how cannabis regulations could correct racial injustice are among the topics that will be scrutinized by state auditors this year. Newly elected Oregon Secretary of State Shemia Fagan rolled out the[Read More…]


Older Oregonians faced one of the longest vaccine lines in the U.S. On Monday, some will finally be eligible

People wait in line outside of a COVID-19 vaccine clinic at the Oregon State Fairgrounds on Thursday, Jan. 28. (Amanda Loman/Salem Reporter) Barbara Butzer planned to spend her first year of retirement traveling with her husband. Instead, the 65-year-old south Salem resident has been largely confined to her home since[Read More…]