Two volunteers needed for Salem-Keizer budget committee

The Salem-Keizer School District needs two community volunteers to weigh in on the district’s $1 billion annual budget. Two seats are currently open on the district’s budget committee, a 14-member group that meets regularly in April and May to review Superintendent Christy Perry’s budget proposal for the coming year. The[Read More…]

A few weeks into class, Salem-Keizer culinary students eager to serve

Culinary student Rebecca Tipton prepares to serve mozzarella, tomato and salami skewers at a ribbon-cutting event at Salem-Keizer’s Career Technical Education Center (Rachel Alexander/Salem Reporter) The 44 students in the new culinary program at the Salem-Keizer School District haven’t yet worked with knives or cooked a meal. But two weeks[Read More…]

PHOTOS: Here’s what it takes to feed 15,000 elementary school kids every day

Food service workers prepare wrapped turkey dogs to serve in Salem-Keizer elementary schools (Rachel Alexander/Salem Reporter) In Salem-Keizer School District’s central food production kitchen, servings are often measured by the thousands. The industrial kitchen in a nondescript building in southeast Salem cooks up chili, burritos, hamburgers and more for every[Read More…]