Ron Cooper


PHOTOS: Merlie Reeves of Salem had quite a party as she hit 90

Erin Rhoten joined in a birthday party parade Friday to celebrate Merlie Reeves’ 90th birthday on Friday, May 1. (Ron Cooper/Salem Reporter) Merlie Reeves’ calls out to friends and relatives driving by her Salem home on Friday, May 1, to celebrate her 90th birthday. (Ron Cooper/Salem Reporter) Christie O’Brien tugs[Read More…]


PHOTO: And now a break from the pandemic

A drone camera captures fields of a yellow seed crop adjacent to orchards and fields of the Spring Valley area in west Salem. (Ron Cooper/Salem Reporter)

PHOTOS: Old Leslie Junior High School building demolished

A sign reminds spectators of COVID-19 prevention measures, as sidewalk superintendents gather to watch the demolition of the old Leslie Junior High School Wednesday, April 15 (Ron Cooper/Salem Reporter) Demolition began this week on the old Leslie Junior High School building, a brick building that opened in 1927 and has[Read More…]


And now for a break from the pandemic

The popular statue of former Gov. Tom McCall, in Salem’s Riverfront Park, has become a photo destination after getting a pandemic update. The statue of McCall, with a fly rod in one hand, and a steelhead in the other, has attracted throngs of photographers after someone placed a personal protective[Read More…]


And now a break from the pandemic

The historic Oak Grove Church in west Salem at sunset recently. The church was built in 1882. Throughout Salem, churches will be unusually quiet on Easter Sunday, April 12, as congregations obey the state’s order to avoid large gatherings and stay home. Some churches planned to provide “virtual” services by[Read More…]