Rachel Alexander


Dogs rescued from Texas flooding need new homes in Salem

Luke, a two-year-old lab mix, is among the Texas rescue dogs waiting to be adopted at Willamette Humane Society. (Courtesy/Willamette Humane Society) Ten dogs are looking for new homes in Salem after being displaced from Texas shelters affected by heavy rains and flooding. The Willamette Humane Society took in the[Read More…]


With unexpected millions flowing, Salem-Keizer school officials add more building projects

New additions under construction at McNary High School on Aug. 23, 2019 (Rachel Alexander/Salem Reporter) Seven local schools will get more hefty remodeling projects than planned as Salem-Keizer School District executives spend an unexpected infusion of $65 million. The money is flowing because investors have been paying more for the[Read More…]


“We are in danger of losing our humanity”: Willamette law professor speaks about migrant child detention

Postcards featuring the words of detained migrant children and their parents were featured at a Salem City Club presentation by Willamette University law professor Warren Binford (Rachel Alexander/Salem Reporter) “He said that we were going to sleep on the floor. He said it was punishment.” That’s how a 7-year-old girl[Read More…]

Two volunteers needed for Salem-Keizer budget committee

The Salem-Keizer School District needs two community volunteers to weigh in on the district’s $1 billion annual budget. Two seats are currently open on the district’s budget committee, a 14-member group that meets regularly in April and May to review Superintendent Christy Perry’s budget proposal for the coming year. The[Read More…]