COLUMN: What to know about Medigap plans

It was unclear how this could have happened, and it seemed rude to ask. The Medicare beneficiary, who had Medicare Part A only, made an appointment with a Senior Health Insurance Benefits Assistance (SHIBA) counselor to ask how to enroll in the rest of Medicare. Unless they have employer insurance,[Read More…]

COLUMN: Birds, our fellow bipeds

Glaucous-winged Gull with webbed feet. (Harry Fuller/Special to Salem Reporter) We two-legged animals must know we’re outnumbered. All those insects and spiders, not to mention crabs, starfish, squid and centipedes. There are mostly four-footers among our fellow mammals. At the other end—snails, slugs, snakes and earthworms. Could that be why we feel[Read More…]

COLUMN: Colorful birds’ feathers are marvel of engineering, design

American goldfinches in molt (Harry Fuller/Special to Salem Reporter) Birds have unique characteristics setting them apart from other animals. Perhaps the most central: feathers. They are formed from keratin, a lightweight, fibrous protein. Feathers’ strength with minimal weight is crucial for birds. Keratin shapes hair and fur, horns, claws, hoofs[Read More…]