
Tuesday’s election brings newcomers to Salem City Council, but city politics could stay the same

A ballot box on Tuesday, May 19. (Amanda Loman/Salem Reporter) Salem elected a stay-at-home mom, an emergency room doctor and a lawyer to represent Salem’s various wards, according to the most recent election results. There were five seats up for grabs on Salem’s council, with candidates spending close to $200,000[Read More…]

PHOTOS: Election goes on, even in a pandemic

Amy Vandegrift removes ballots from their envelopes at the Marion County Elections Office on Tuesday, May 19. (Amanda Loman/Salem Reporter) As a vote-by-mail state, Oregon’s May 19 primary election went on largely as planned in the midst of a pandemic, but the Marion County elections office made some changes to[Read More…]


Many Salem City Council races appear settled, but county commissioner winners are months away, early results show

A stack of counted and signed ballot envelopes at the Marion County Elections Office on Tuesday, May 19. (Amanda Loman/Salem Reporter) Early election results are in and it appears a slate of candidates considered to be progressive have won election to Salem City Council, an unpaid, nonpartisan position, despite considerable[Read More…]


COUNTY ELECTIONS: Polk County commissioner candidates list rural broadband and safer roads as priorities

Polk County Courthouse (Courtesy of Jolene Guzman/Polk Itemizer-Observer) Salem Reporter wanted to know what issues were top of mind for the candidates seeking a position as Polk County commissioner. We provided each candidate written questions intended to elicit their understanding of challenges the county faces and how they would overcome[Read More…]


COUNTY ELECTIONS: Marion County commissioner candidates cite emergency preparedness, economic recovery as top issues facing the area

Marion County building in downtown Salem (Caleb Wolf/Special to Salem Reporter) Salem Reporter wanted to know what issues were top of mind for the candidates seeking election as Marion County commissioner. We provided each candidate written questions intended to elicit their understanding of challenges the county faces and how they[Read More…]


CITY ELECTIONS: Mayor lists Salem’s housing assistance program as need in his bid for a third term

Current Mayor Chuck Bennett (left) is running against Brooke Jackson (right) in the upcoming election. Salem Reporter wanted to know what issues were top of mind for this year’s crop of candidates for Salem City Council. We provided each candidate written questions intended to elicit their understanding of challenges the[Read More…]


CITY ELECTIONS: In south Salem ward, candidates list economic recovery from COVID as defining issue

Reid Sund (left) and Vanessa Nordyke (right) are running to represent Ward 7 in south Salem. Salem Reporter wanted to know what issues were top of mind for this year’s crop of candidates for Salem City Council. We provided each candidate written questions intended to elicit their understanding of challenges[Read More…]


CITY ELECTIONS: In northeast Salem ward, candidates want stronger voice for constituents

Hollie Oakes-Miller (left) is running against Jose Gonzalez (right) to represent Ward 5 on Salem City Council. Salem Reporter wanted to know what issues were top of mind for this year’s crop of candidates for Salem City Council. We provided each candidate written questions intended to elicit their understanding of[Read More…]


CITY ELECTIONS: In southeast Salem ward, council candidates want improved infrastructure

Trevor Phillips (left) is running against incumbent Brad Nanke (right) to represent southeast Salem. Salem Reporter wanted to know what issues were top of mind for this year’s crop of candidates for Salem City Council. We provided each candidate written questions intended to elicit their understanding of challenges the city[Read More…]