State Sen. Dallas Heard, R-Winston, speaks at a rally in Roseburg in August. He is backing a group that seeks to expose those who complain that businesses are violating state Covid restrictions. (Mike Henneke/Roseburg News-Review) ROSEBURG – Two local women have been targeted by a group calling itself Citizens Against[Read More…]
AROUND OREGON: Central Oregon leaders urge elementary students’ return to classroom
An empty classroom at Stevens Middle School on Aug. 18, 2020 (Rachel Alexander/Salem Reporter) BEND – On the day the state put 25 counties in the extreme-risk category for spreading COVID-19, a group of Central Oregon policymakers sent a letter urging Gov. Kate Brown to allow elementary students to return[Read More…]
AROUND OREGON: ‘Action is required now’ – doctors urge immediate attention to masks, social distancing as Covid surges
As Covid testing continues on both sides of the Idaho and Oregon border, different responses to the virus outbreak by the two states hindered plans to contain the virus. (Malheur Enterprise) ONTARIO – The region’s medical system went blinking red Tuesday as coronavirus cases fill hospitals and doctors plead with[Read More…]
AROUND OREGON: Rash of Oregon arson cases fuels fear, conspiracy theories during devastating wildfires
Bryan Crenshaw sprays water onto his rooftop in Aumsville on Tuesday, Sept. 8. After losing two buildings to a wildfire three years ago, Crenshaw planned on staying through this time to protect his property. (Amanda Loman/Salem Reporter) PORTLAND – At least six men across Oregon have been accused of intentionally[Read More…]
AROUND OREGON: Inequities in remote learning for marginalized students worry Bend-La Pine educators as school resumes
LA PINE — Only a half-hour’s drive from million-dollar mansions in west Bend, the Smith family lives in two RVs on a dry forested patch of land off of U.S. Highway 97 outside the rural town of La Pine. Children who live in both places deserve an equal shot at[Read More…]
AROUND OREGON: Parents of deceased inmate claim wrongful death in lawsuit against Oregon agency
Snake River Correctional Institution (File/Malheur Enterprise) ONTARIO – Parents of an inmate who died last spring at Snake River Correctional Institution are suing the state, claiming negligence by state workers led to their son’s death. Anita and William Puckey last week sued the Oregon Department of Corrections and four of[Read More…]
AROUND OREGON: Schools in 17 Oregon counties can open for young children but educators aren’t ready to teach face-to-face
When Gov. Kate Brown ordered Oregon’s public schools to close in mid-March, Brooke Gildenmeister of Portland braced herself to take on the role of educator. The stay-at-home mom was ready to guide her Alameda Elementary kindergartner, Jane, through virtual lessons via a Portland Public Schools-issued Chromebook. But Jane didn’t want[Read More…]
Different methods by Oregon and Idaho to fight Covid highlight the challenge of suppressing the virus
As Covid testing continues on both sides of the Idaho and Oregon border, different responses to the virus outbreak by the two states hindered plans to contain the virus. (Kezia Setyawan/Malheur Enterprise) [ NOTE: Salem Reporter is providing this information free as a community service. You can support dissemination by subscribing.[Read More…]