
Long Covid continues to keep Oregonians out of workforce as state rebounds from job losses

Oregon is nearing a full recovery of jobs lost during the pandemic according to the Oregon Department of Employment. But the gains are uneven, and for some industries, and hundreds of thousands of Oregonians experiencing long Covid, the road ahead is still uncertain. Oregon has regained 94% of jobs lost[Read More…]

Free summer lunch program still on in Salem

Veronica Diaz squirts mayonnaise on her son Victor’s sandwich during a free summer lunch at Washington Elementary School on June 18, 2019 (Rachel Alexander/Salem Reporter) Children ages one-18 are eligible for a free meal through the federal Summer Break Meal Program despite mixed messages about the program’s federal funding and[Read More…]

New Salem program targets training for bilingual EMTs, health workers

EMTs with Metro West Ambulance prep for patients at a drive-thru Covid vaccination clinic in Woodburn (Amanda Loman/Salem Reporter) Marin Arreola has seen the need for Spanish-speaking health care providers firsthand. He worked with the Interface Network, a community health organization, to organize Covid testing and vaccination events across the[Read More…]

County seeks volunteers to advise on public safety, review tax appeals

Marion County’s offices in downtown Salem (Caleb Wolf/Special to Salem Reporter) Two Marion County public bodies are in search of members: the Board of Property Tax Appeals and the Public Safety Coordinating Council. Both are volunteer organizations.  The public safety board currently has 34 members including the representatives from  Salem-Keizer[Read More…]