Donated home gives Salem family much-needed stability
A Salem family of five evicted during the pandemic has a new home to get back on their feet after almost two years of couchsurfing. Clayton Homes donated the house to Family Promise.
A Salem family of five evicted during the pandemic has a new home to get back on their feet after almost two years of couchsurfing. Clayton Homes donated the house to Family Promise.
Over 100 attended the groundbreaking of the Vietnam War Memorial at Willson Park on Friday, a multi-million dollar effort to recognize the sacrifices of veterans with statues and educational information.
The vacant Statesman Journal building on Church Street will be remodeled as a self-storage facility with space for over a dozen social service providers.
Rachel Alexander, Salem Reporter’s managing editor, has been selected to join a new international program to train in advanced digital reporting, the news business and leading a newsroom.
Six Salem projects will get millions of taxpayer dollars out of the 2024 legislative session. The money will help kickstart construction on a new Vietnam veterans memorial and social service center in downtown Salem.
The Marion County District Attorney is urging 'better, earlier' intervention to stem gun violence in Salem. The remarks came after a local teen was sentenced for shooting two people in 2022.
After 10 years, Enlightened Theatrics is closing its doors and transferring its Salem-based theater education programs and performances to the Bridgetown Conservatory of Musical Theatre.
In his film “Monument,” Scotts Mills filmmaker Michael Turner visits the Hungarian town where his grandmother grew up before her family’s forced removal to Auschwitz. She later returned to build a memorial there. Salem Cinema will screen the film and host a Q&A with Turner and Willamette University Professor Ellen Eisenberg on Sunday, March 24.
Yvonne Groenhout, a volunteer emergency response nurse from Salem, has helped people in Chicago, Haiti and Ukraine. This winter in Gaza, she learned to tune out the sound of bombs to help patients.