Columnist Pamela Ferrara explains how a key piece of local economic data – the unemployment rate – is calculated.
Tag: unemployment
COLUMN: Salem is adding jobs, but unemployment is rising. Why?
Columnist Pamela Ferrara explains how two different surveys are used to give a snapshot of the Salem economy and available jobs.
COLUMN: Salem sees better pandemic jobs recovery than other Oregon cities
Salem’s heavy employment in state government meant fewer lost jobs in 2020 – but hospitality and health care jobs still haven’t recovered to pre-pandemic levels, columnist Pamela Ferrara writes.
Salem-area unemployment rate stays flat in February
The seasonally adjusted unemployment rate remained at 4.6% in February after steadily increasing since July 2022, according to state Employment Department data.
Salem-area unemployment rate up again in January
The seasonally adjusted unemployment rate rose from 4.5% in December to 4.6% in January, according to state Employment Department data. The rate remains low by historical standards for Salem.
Salem-area unemployment rate continues steady rise in December
The seasonally adjusted unemployment rate rose from 4.3% in November to 4.5% in December, according to state Employment Department data. That figure remains low by historical standards for Salem.
Unemployment increases statewide and in Marion and Polk counties
Statewide unemployment rose to 4.4% in November, up from 4.1% in October, according to recent data from the Oregon Employment Department.