A regional entrepreneurial event, modeled after the reality television show Shark Tank, brought businesses together for a pitching competition on Wednesday, Aug. 21. The two winners, Revino and Stiira, will use the award money to build equipment and strengthen their services.
Tag: sedcor
Microloan program for Latino entrepreneurs honored for economic development
Salem’s Strategic Economic Development Corporation held its annual awards ceremony on Sept. 8. Those recognized included a local microenterprise program, a Dallas creamery and a Salem flooring manufacturer.
Dollar General plans $168m distribution center in southeast Salem
Building permits are under review for the facility, which would be the latest transportation warehouse as part of the Mill Creek Corporate Center.
Businesses aiding in fire recovery take top honors at SEDCOR awards
A Salem chocolate producer, Korean food manufacturer and excavation company were among the local businesses cited for excellence in 2022.