Ranger Mike Zieker is responsible for patrolling all 91 of Salem’s parks, trails and natural areas. The lifelong outdoor enthusiast said it’s the job he’s always wanted to do.
Professor, chemical engineer bring the world to a coffee shop
A chance meeting at a northeast Salem coffee house has become an unofficial language learning institute between friends Dr. Bill Long and Iyad Khalaf.
Medieval swordfighting is Salem’s newest martial art
If traditional gym workouts aren’t cutting it and fencing seems too tame, Moses Jones can teach you how to fight with a German longsword at a north Salem gym.
Ron Eachus, “incorruptible” consumer advocate and activist, dies at 76
Ron Eachus went from opposing the Vietnam War as a University of Oregon student to a career on Oregon’s Public Utility Commission, pushing to hold telecom and power companies accountable to the people they served.
A future doctor from Salem wins top National Merit honors
Student Arnav Mohindra speaks during a ribbon-cutting ceremony for the new addition at South Salem High School in 2021. Mohindra is the only Salem student to win a National Merit finalist scholarship from the Class of 2022 (Amanda Loman/Salem Reporter) When Arnav Mohindra got a letter in the mail from[Read More…]
Casa de la Cultura Tlanese stays on beat
Dancers Sharon Mendiola Albor, left, Jackie Pererez and Jessica Perez with Casa de Cultura Tlanese get ready to dance “La Bruja” at the 2022 World Beat Festival (Laura Tesler/Special to Salem Reporter) Casa de la Cultura Tlanese is a family affair. The nonprofit cultural center that aims to preserve Mexican[Read More…]
Salem couple puts extra wine to use for Ukraine aid
Patrick Bush holds a bottle of his Highsaw Cellar 2020 Pinot Noir (Courtesy/Jennifer Bush) After the 2020 wildfire season, Patrick and Jennifer Bush ended up with more wine than they could hope to drink. Patrick was working at a local winery as part of his studies in Chemeketa Community College’s[Read More…]
Straub band teacher honored for steering growth, supporting students beyond classroom
Jaimie Hall conducts an advanced band rehearsal at Straub Middle School on Wednesday, May 25. Hall was named the district’s 2022 music teacher of the year (Rachel Alexander/Salem Reporter) West Salem High School is known for its decorated school band – which recently took home second place in a statewide[Read More…]
Hundreds honor Gerry Frank, “Oregon’s Premier Citizen”
Skip Frank speaks at the memorial service for his uncle Gerry Frank, held Thursday, May 19 at the Salem Convention Center (Rachel Alexander/Salem Reporter) When Gerry Frank moved to Salem in 1955 to open the newest branch of his family’s Portland-based Meier & Frank Department store, the city only had[Read More…]
Meet the woman working to bring concerts to Salem’s new amphitheater
Kathleen Swarm, amphitheater manager for the city of Salem, outside the Gerry Frank | Salem Rotary Amphitheater on Wednesday, May 4, 2022 (Rachel Alexander/Salem Reporter) Shortly after Kathleen Swarm moved back to Salem in early 2021, she was driving over the bridge across the Willamette River when she noticed construction[Read More…]