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Oregon voters reject conservative social measures, tax restrictions

Opponents of Measure 105 gather Tuesday night awaiting election results. SALEM — On election night, Oregonians appeared to block attempts to overturn the state’s sanctuary status for undocumented immigrants and affirmed public funding for reproductive health care. In so doing, Oregon voters rejected socially conservative priorities by large margins. They[Read More…]

A history of Oregon governor’s races

Here is the history of elections for governor in Oregon: 2014 In 2014, Democrat John Kitzhaber secured his fourth term overall as governor, and second consecutive, by beating Republican Dennis Richardson 733,230 to 648,542. Kitzhaber also served as governor from 1995 to 2003. However, he didn’t hold the office long,[Read More…]


Woman lying on Highway 22 killed by multiple cars

Salem Police believe a woman hit and killed by two cars Saturday night was lying on Highway 22. The woman, who police identified Monday as Dallas resident Alexandria Tereshka, 27, died following the collision at 9:15 p.m. She was hit near the Wallace Road Northwest exit.  Salem Police spokesman Lt.[Read More…]

Nonaffiliated voters key to victory in governor’s race

With polls showing the two main gubernatorial candidates only a few percentage points away from victory, their campaigns are focused on winning votes from nonaffiliated and independent voters in the final days before Tuesday’s election. The last-minute choices of those voters could determine the outcome of the race, political analysts said Thursday. Nonaffiliated voters make up 32 percent of[Read More…]