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Sprague graduate helped lead school choir through challenging year

James Nelson outside Sprague High school. (Rachel Alexander/Salem Reporter) This profile is part of a series on Class of 2019 high school graduates. Salem Reporter asked high schools in Salem and Keizer to select an outstanding graduate – someone who accomplished something significant, whether through art, academics, advocacy or overcoming[Read More…]

After decades evaluating school threats in Salem, John van Dreal retiring to spend more time on his art

John van Dreal sits in his office at the Salem-Keizer School District (Rachel Alexander/Salem Reporter) When John van Dreal started a new job four years ago, his bosses were thousands of miles away. Van Dreal, a school psychologist specializing in threat assessment, was heading up the Salem-Keizer School District’s new[Read More…]

PUBLIC MONEY, PRIVATE EMPIRE: Greg Smith serves many public masters – for a price

Greg Smith appears before the Oregon Transportation Commission in February, representing two different clients of his economic development business. (Mark Ylen/Mid-Valley Media) Greg Smith is a juggler. In La Grande, he holds a full-time job directing Eastern Oregon University’s Small Business Development Center.   A hundred miles away in Boardman,[Read More…]