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Work still needed to protect student information against hackers, Oregon audit finds

(Rachel Alexander/Salem Reporter) SALEM — The state agency that holds the education records of more than half a million Oregon students can tighten its control of that information, state auditors say. The Oregon Department of Education regularly checks its computer systems for vulnerabilities and performs other “critical security tasks,” but[Read More…]


Salem councilors consider easing the restrictions proposed to govern sitting, lying on public property

Robert Stone, originally of Cheyenne, Wyo., sits outside near a coffee shop in downtown Salem. The homeless Salem resident said he would “probably” be impacted by a proposed ban on sitting or lying down on public rights of way. (Troy Brynelson/Salem Reporter) Nothing is set in stone yet, though it[Read More…]

At OHSU, attitudes towards unions questioned

Oregon Health and Science University. (Courtesy/The Lund Report) SALEM — Events took a strange turn this summer when a union representing about 7,000 workers at Oregon Health and Science University was trying to renew its contract. AFSCME Local 328 said in August that top administrators created fake social media accounts[Read More…]