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Marion County commissioners reject funding request for more election drop boxes

A stack of counted and signed ballot envelopes at the Marion County Elections Office on Tuesday, May 19. (Amanda Loman/Salem Reporter) Lately, Marion County Clerk Bill Burgess gets heartburn thinking about voters who wait until the week before Election Day to vote. He’s worried about making sure their ballots will[Read More…]

BUSINESS ROUNDUP: Free online classes available. Restaurants reopen. Grants for Covid safety ideas. Unemployment applications in Spanish

Wild Pear in downtown Salem urges diners to get takeout during the COVID-19 pandemic (Rachel Alexander/Salem Reporter) There’s a lot going on in business in Salem. To help keep you up to speed, the Salem Reporter is providing a semi-regular roundup of business-related items including new business openings, locations, grant[Read More…]


Here’s what Oregon health workers ask about when someone tests positive for Covid

A portion of the information health workers fill out when interviewing an Oregonian diagnosed with Covid. (Oregon Health Authority screenshot) [ NOTE: Salem Reporter is providing this information free as a community service. You can support dissemination by subscribing. ] Since the coronavirus pandemic began, Salem Reporter has fielded dozens of[Read More…]


Bulk of CARES money has gone to payroll reimbursement locally 

Katrina Rothenberger, incident commander, holds up an activity log at the Marion County Health and Human Services COVID-19 incident command on Monday, July 13. (Amanda Loman/Salem Reporter) Before the pandemic, Susan McLauchlin supervised Marion County’s health promotion and prevention team. The team worked with members of the community to help prevent suicide,[Read More…]


QUICK READ: Low rates of Covid in Salem’s unsheltered, whiplash from school reopening rules

Tent sites at Wallace Marine Park on Wednesday, May 27. (Amanda Loman/Salem Reporter) [ NOTE: Salem Reporter is providing this information free as a community service. You can support dissemination by subscribing. ] Local health providers see low rates of Covid in Salem’s unsheltered population One Salem population appears to be[Read More…]


YOUR QUESTIONS: How will staff and families be able to get tests done quickly if in-person school returns?

[ NOTE: Salem Reporter is providing this information free as a community service. You can support dissemination by subscribing. ] Salem Reporter turned to various experts to find out answers to questions from readers ranging from how many people are asymptomatic to who can get tested. The Marion County Health Department,[Read More…]

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