Ed Dover, a political scientist and professor of 30 years at Western Oregon University, will give a talk on local, state and national elections at the Willamette Heritage Center’s Day House.
Salem Peace Lecture to discuss nuclear weapons abolition
This year’s Salem Peace Lecture will feature an expert in nuclear weapons abolition and celebrate PCUN, Oregon’s farm worker union.
Samhain Celtic New Year Festival returns Saturday
Traditional Gaelic food and festivities
Reflections on the River, Walk-n-Wag slated for September
Salem has two returning events on the calendar at city parks in September, hosted by Willamette Vital Health.
Grab a drink for a good cause as Brewfest returns to Salem
The Boys and Girls Club’s annual fundraiser in Salem returns starting Friday, with over 100 local beers on tap at the convention center.
PHOTOS: A celebration of steam, firefighting returns to Powerland
The 62-acre Powerland Heritage Park was alive this weekend with the sounds of machinery as Oregonians from all corners of the state gathered to celebrate antique machinery. The 52nd annual Great Oregon Steam-Up kicked off July 30 with an army of 1,000 volunteers, and the “Parade of Power,” a display[Read More…]
Great Oregon Steam-Up puts focus on vintage firefighting
Jim Kelsey, of Gervais, uses a hammer to shape a shoehorn while forge welding in the blacksmith shop at Powerland Heritage Park (Amanda Loman/Salem Reporter) In the 1950s, a group of local farmers felt nostalgic. Before World War II, they tended the land with wheat thrashers and steam engines, but[Read More…]