Local birder and natural history author Harry Fuller shares what birds are up to in the Salem area in his “Some Fascinating Things About Birds” column.
EDITOR’S COLUMN: How Salem Reporter will cover 2024 election results
Salem Reporter will have reporters at local election offices, campaign parties and monitoring state and national news. We’ll keep our focus on local races while including national context as we report on election night.
COLUMN: Building a safe supply of water during disasters
Mark Wardell, the leader of West Salem’s Community Emergency Response Team, walks through upcoming preparedness events and stocking potable water for emergencies.
COLUMN: Geese making a “v-line” for Willamette Valley
Cackling geese are heading south for their annual migration, making a soaring spectacle in Salem’s skies, columnist Harry Fuller writes.
COLUMN: Make sure to check Medicare Advantage plans during open enrollment
Jim Sellers, former Oregon journalist and state agency employee, writes a regular column to help thousands in Salem deal with the confusing world of Medicare and federal benefits. He’s available to answer your questions.
COLUMN: Unemployment low in Salem, but wage growth mixed
Despite wage increases, the leisure and hospitality industry hasn’t added many jobs in recent years compared to other sectors of Salem’s economy.
COLUMN: Get ready for an earthquake with the Great Oregon ShakeOut
Mark Wardell, the leader of West Salem’s Community Emergency Response Team, walks through upcoming preparedness events and food planning for emergencies.
COLUMN: Tips for saving money on Medicare
Jim Sellers, former Oregon journalist and state agency employee, writes a regular column to help thousands in Salem deal with the confusing world of Medicare and federal benefits. He’s available to answer your questions.
COLUMN: What did that bird just say?
Columnist and bird expert Harry Fuller explains how Salem’s birds use sound to communicate.
COLUMN: Making an emergency plan for your family
Mark Wardell, the leader of West Salem’s Community Emergency Response Team, walks through what your family should consider when making an emergency plan.