People line up to grab a mask sewing kit from a Salem Health distribution in the former Kmart parking lot on Thursday, March 26 (Courtesy/Keith Riggs) NOTE: Salem Reporter is providing free access to its content related to the coronavirus as a community service. Subscriptions are vital to continue this[Read More…]
Rachel Alexander
Marion County has the highest documented COVID-19 rate in the state. No one is sure why.
The Marion County Health and Human Services headquarters in Salem (Rachel Alexander/Salem Reporter) NOTE: Salem Reporter is providing free access to its content related to the coronavirus as a community service. Subscriptions help support this. Marion County is posting the highest documented infection rate in the state for COVID-19 but authorities say[Read More…]
Teachers at Clear Lake, Chapman Hill parade through neighborhoods to wave at students
Students wave to their Clear Lake Elementary School teachers during a parade on April 3, 2020 (Diane Beals/Salem Reporter) NOTE: Salem Reporter is providing free access to its content related to the coronavirus as a community service. Subscriptions help support this. Dozens of teachers, office staff, principals and classroom aides from two[Read More…]
For one Salem congregation, church goes on in the era of social distancing
In this screenshot from a March 29, 2020 service, Pastor Lew Wootan preaches at The River to a more socially distant congregation. NOTE: Salem Reporter is providing free access to its content related to the coronavirus as a community service. Subscriptions help support this. As churches, synagogues and houses of worship around[Read More…]
Separated for weeks, Salem couple reunites after wife’s “miracle” recovery from coronavirus
Pastor Jerry Miranda hugs Teresa, his wife of 38 years, as she’s released from Salem Hospital on April 2, 2020 after recovering from a serious case of COVID-19 (Amanda Loman/Special to Salem Reporter) NOTE: Salem Reporter is providing free access to its content related to the coronavirus as a community[Read More…]
Salem Health resumes COVID-19 testing after running low on supplies
Guidelines for patients with respiratory illness posted on the back door of Salem Health’s clinic on River Road South on March 16, 2020 (Rachel Alexander/Salem Reporter) NOTE: Salem Reporter is providing free access to its content related to the coronavirus as a community service. Subscriptions help support this. Salem Health has resumed[Read More…]
Salem-Keizer schools scramble to switch to distance learning after state says schools likely won’t re-open
Judson Middle School students in a seventh grade language arts on Oct. 30, 2018. (Rachel Alexander/Salem Reporter) NOTE: Salem Reporter is providing free access to its content related to the coronavirus as a community service. Subscriptions help support this. Any hope of resuming a normal school year for local teachers, parents and[Read More…]
For the first time in 70 years, Salem won’t have an art fair this summer
Customers browse jewelry at the 2019 Salem Art Fair (Saphara Harrell/Salem Reporter) NOTE: Salem Reporter is providing free access to its content related to the coronavirus as a community service. Subscriptions help support this. Salem Art Association is pulling the plug on the 2020 Art Fair and Festival, a major source of[Read More…]
Got questions about coronavirus? Santiam Hospital doctors want to help
Santiam Hospital emergency department medical director Dr. Steve Vets (center, back row, wearing glasses) posts with his federal Disaster Medical Assistance Team deployed to Omaha, Nebraska to care for patients under monitoring for coronavirus in February 2020. (Courtesy/Steve Vets) NOTE: Salem Reporter is providing free access to its content related[Read More…]
Salem-Keizer board will meet virtually Monday to hear the latest on local school closure
The 2019-20 Salem-Keizer School Board (Rachel Alexander/Salem Reporter) NOTE: Salem Reporter is providing free access to its content related to the coronavirus as a community service. Subscriptions help support this. The Salem-Keizer School Board will hold a virtual meeting Monday afternoon to hear updates on the district’s closure during the COVID-19 pandemic.[Read More…]