Rachel Alexander


Salem nursing home failed to follow infection control guidelines as coronavirus spread, report says

Salem Transitional Care (Amanda Loman/Salem Reporter) Employees at a Salem nursing home hit hard by the coronavirus re-used protective masks and didn’t sanitize or change protective equipment in between sick patients and those not yet tested for COVID-19, according to a report by the Oregon Department of Human Services.  Salem Transitional Care,[Read More…]

Salem-Keizer budget committee considers $1.5 billion budget with COVID impacts still unknown

The Salem-Keizer budget committee in a May 19, 2020 meeting. Salem-Keizer’s budget committee will vote Tuesday night on a $1.5 billion district budget that represents an unlikely best-case scenario for Oregon’s second-largest school district in the coming year. The 233 page document, drafted before the coronavirus pandemic blew a hole[Read More…]


Willamette University lays off 37 employees, furloughs 80

Two people walk through Willamette University on May 15. 2020. (Amanda Loman/Salem Reporter) Willamette University is furloughing 80 employees for two months and laying off 37 workers in the latest move to balance the budget amid revenue hits from event cancellations and dorm closures. The university’s Board of Trustees approved[Read More…]